Marine OCS Sample Schedule
With the help of our good friends over at USMC OCS Blog , we have a sample Winter OCS schedule from 2008. While your daily routine at OCS might vary slightly this year, the weekly layout is almost identical to what our interviewed OCS 2016 graduates went through.
You can expect at a minimum the following:
In-processing week
Stenciling everything
Pick up day (meet your Sergeant Instructors)
Yelling loudly and running everywhere
Eating faster than you’ve ever eaten in your life
Hours upon hours of drill
Picking up footlockers above your head
Class, class, and class
By the numbers movments
“Showering” quickly
Fire watch (aka guard duty)
Physical training
Losing gear/uniforms
Sweating constantly
Uniform and gear inspections
Constant state of hunger
Sleep deprivation
Being annoyed with other candidates
Sunday church service (aka nap time for some)
Hiking with a 30-50lb pack several miles
Field Exercises (FEX)
Constantly washing clothes
Squad Unit Leadership Exercises (SULEs)
Constantly cleaning your rifle
Leadership Reaction Course (LRC)
Constantly cleaning the squad bay
Weekend liberty
Written exams
Obstacle course
Muscular endurance course
Endurance course
Confidence course
Tarzan course
PFT (Physical Fitness Test)
CFT (Combat Fitness Test)
Pugil sticks
Motivational run
Day/Night land navigation
Fartlek runs
Peer evaluations
Field meet
Lastly, this schedule is for the ten week cycle so all you “six weekers” can expect your schedule to be more condensed and in some cases more hectic.
Send us a message if you have any questions regarding the schedule or above listed events.